
Agreed. Also it wasn't the character himself. It was more just the dramatic turn around in the hoodie. I don't know how to explain it, but it worked. Cece's reveal just didn't affect me. The way it was staged, the character, the motive was not bad but it still felt not built up to.

Just someone who was in more than 13 episodes honestly. Someone who was connected to the girls. I felt impacted when we were lead to believe A was Ezra or Toby initially. I felt nothing at Cece's reveal.

It was a let down. Plain and simple. When Toby and Ezra were initially revealed as A, even though they were fakeouts, I was still surprised. I remember feeling hyped up for over an hour after those episodes aired. Yes the aftermath of the reveals were huge let downs, but at least they initially were chilling to me.

The biggest issue about this episode to me was that, while I find these newbies infinitely better than the first ones, they haven't given them any development. We are nearing the end and they haven't even been that fundamental in the show since the first two episodes. So now we randomly get this episode and these

I still believe that this was a great show at some point, but episodes like this make me wonder how it ever had that capability. I mean the Klaine stuff is just fan pandering at it's worst. The Brittana stuff is pandering as well but I can deal with it because it was handled at least a little better. The Samchel stuff