The Frumulous Mr. Glitch

Maybe Die With Your Boots On?

So did your sister proceed to beat the everloving crap out of that fundie Christian?

Not to get off topic, but Lemur, could you clarify what you mean by sister/wife? I don't want to jump to conclusions here…

Huh. Must've missed that one.

Ravenous Ravenous Rhinos is always good times.

I am amazed that someone who looks like ol' Emperor Jim there would have the stones to call anyone else a douche.

Other than some of the same clever wordplay in the lyrics, I hear very little of Jawbreaker in ORD.

So the Snickers ad people watched themselves some Flintstones, and now all of New York has to suffer.

That Bellona thread was quality entertainment. She's been really quiet since—urtext, she's not stuffed in your trunk, is she?

Who is this Phel person? I wish to subscribe to her newsletter.

Only if she travels to the future for some reason.

Mathman was about the only thing I can remember from Square One any more. It's probably why I hate doing math—I'm terrified some damn tornado's gonna eat me if I forget to carry the 1.

So when you change the oil…
Be sure to use Chanel no. 5W-30! Anyone? Hello?

My mom got me a framed poster of Toxic Avenger IV autographed by Lloyd Kaufman for Christmas. My mom was pretty much the best person ever.

I managed to pick up a first pressing of Land Speed Record a few years ago. It's the only record I have that's worth half a damn.