
the bottom half
Has the AV club considered the creation of a new feature page that has missing elements? It seems it would have great powers of amusement for many of the Hater's readers and would give them a place to blather about it.

A band of jerks with renewed sexual vitality. Which is great for their 2nd and 3rd marriages because their first wives thought they had gotten to that point in their lives where they didn't have to fuck the sorry assholes anymore and then came Viagra.

Wentzie boy is back for us
He's attached to his cell phone because he keeps it in his front pants pocket on vibe.
Ashlee (learn to spell ya white trash) Simpson looks every bit the sack of shit I'm sure that she is. Thanks Wentz and Wentzette for raping my precious 80s memories. Thanks Amelie for not posting video.

Vicky Valentine
is Vince Vaughn's drag name. I swear.
Why do they bother making movies that are longer than three minutes anyway?
Music videos aspire to be cinema and it seems that movies such as -whatever the name of this VV movie is - film aspire to be as flimsy as a Flock of Seagulls video…. at best.

oh yes, and
could you get my inhalers refilled while you're out?

Slow me down
hold my hand
don't let me live my life alone
you live it for me
cuz I don't want to live it myself
by myself
wipe my nose
wipe my ass
I think you should think for me too

Y'all means
Paula Dean is what you find when you leave sanity.
The only thing I hate more than vacations are the insipid details and stories people tell about their vacation. No wait, vacation pictures are the worstest (that's probably a Paula Dean word) of the worst.
So go on VaCaTiOn Miss Missymiss and don't give us a

Jamie Foxx, Ray Charles, George Bush
They have one thing in common.
I hate them. Jamie and George ought to keep their blow holes shut. And ole Ray is dead and I'm not…heh.

Aw c'mon y'all
she's still just Jenny from the block, as in blockage.

hee that's funny.
MTV is below comment. It exists and little bonerheads watch it until they grow out of it, morons continue to watch it.
The ANCIENT Axe Gamekillers chalice? The whole MTV thing makes NASCAR look like Oxford. All summed up in one word; ptooey.

Las Vegas
I wish that whatever happens in Vegas would truly STAY IN VEGAS! woo that bitches.
Vegas is nothing more than a cesspool for wasted humans.
Thank you Amelie for identifying the 'hideously awful spirit' that is Vegas.
You hit that right on the mark.

The absolute proof that there is no god is GodTube.
….okay, I'm done.

More Crocs rage
And if you find yourself with a pair of Crocs on your feet, SHAME ON YOU. Ha Ha! …snort. What were you thinking? oh, obviously you weren't thinking. Or you have no taste. Maybe you are just plain stupid. But you can reclaim some semblance of respectability; slip them into a dark bag and sneak them into

What is with the Crocs? They are absolutely hideous. They are cheesier and cheaper looking than clothes sold at a Korean dollar store. A North Korean dollar store.

what happened to wimmin? or womyn?
How truly women wimmin womyn centered can anything be without a nauseating dose of political correctness?

oh my god
oh no, he's raped my grown up and sexy memories.
I'm sure this whole event was just another RING OF HELL.

Bravo Banmar
10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag…
that pretty much sums up Britney and other such human waste.
Wisest thing I've read all weekend.

Raped childhood memories
oh BOO fucking HOO to all the victims who've had their bewoved wittle memories twampled.
Blessed are the victims they shall inherit the airwaves. feh.

Bleach in a bottle
Now really, no matter what kind of bottle or container….wouldn't it still smell like…B L E A C H ? Morons in training.
Who gives a rat's ass about a bunch of children doing anything on television? At least they weren't singing.
How about a reality show where we leave a bunch of toddlers on their own?

Moron 5
pathetic, whiny weinerboys.
Adam Levine has all the vocal talent of…
did I say talent? All the vocal quality of..opes I said quality…
anyway the video represents the all too familiar scenario of the ultimate loser's game of 'if i can't have you then no one can' where usually the AdamLevineLoserWeinerBoy shoots