
She is a nice and attractive woman, there doesn't need to be more(yet). You are ascribing some sort of "true love" meaning to it that just isn't there.

"In the very first scene, with Klaus, Rebekah, then Hayley talking at the entrance to the Mikaelsson house, every character is framed differently. It's difficult to tell who's in whose field of vision, or who's in a mirror."

I don't think you really understand Klaus' character if you think him falling for the nice, pretty bartender is somehow "destroying" his character.

I'm hoping he will sacrifice himself to save the day/save magic/stop Peter Pan or whatever. And just in time for Regina to get together with Robin Hood and for her to adopt his kid who we'll then all grow to hate just as much as Henry.

Between the comforting annual appeal of Shark Week and that most wondrous of pop culture flukes(as in everyone talked about it and yet no one watched it), Sharknado, they really missed a chance to go full shark here.

Not getting to sleep with Regina when true love says you would seems kind of life ruining if you ask me.

I agree, I thought this was one of the better episodes the show has had in ages, maybe ever.

How could I have forgotten to mention Walter coming back? That moment more than any other put a smile on my face.

So you are saying that rape can't be depicted in fiction, which is a completely ludicrous notion(not to mention that apparently threatening her with it though is somehow a-okay).
Just because something horrible happens doesn't mean it is gratuitous, it would be gratuitous if it served no purpose in the story. But it

*reads review* *reads it again*

Except it wasn't gratuitous in the least.

So, so good. This felt like the best possible continuation of last season's great finale.

Genuinely good. It took awhile to find its groove but it has become a more than solid show. If one is into genre TV and doesn't watch Arrow, they be crazy.

It would actually make a ton of sense for Steve Carlsberg(asshole) to be from Desert Bluffs(boo!).
Cecil is generally a cool guy but his animosity towards Steve Carlsberg is only met by his disdain for those shift cretins over in Desert Bluffs, so it would make sense if there was a connection there.

Wait, Bear McCreary does the music for this? The music in this is so forgettable, even thinking about it right now I can't conjure in my mind even the most remote sense of it.

So nice to see Night Vale and those good-for-nothings over in Desert Bluffs get a mention.
Really, the only way Desert Bluffs could be a worse town is if Steve Carlsberg decided to move there. He is such an asshole.

One of the brothers keeping a secret from the other…*sigh*

About the only thing this album has going for it is that it is vacuous pop that doesn't pretend to be otherwise but even that bit of honesty is old hat these days.

I didn't exclaim it but I thought it real loud.

Alternate history biblical themed apocalyptic fantasy pulp does not equal stupid.