502 Bad Gateway

Wrong. And wrong.

Did you known Tony Orlando was actually Greek?

Did you known Tony Orlando was actually Greek?

"Sex And The Single Alien" or GTFO.

"Sex And The Single Alien" or GTFO.

I always had the impression he had a massive midlife crisis in the middle of writing Xenocide and it's been downhill ever since.

If I don't solve it in one hour, a planeload of supermodels will die!

all independent film festivals should be judged in this way.

The UK Coupling was a wonderfully funny show, with all sorts of plotlines they could never do on US TV (well, not on NBC, anyway).  It was accused at the time of being a UK ripoff of Friends, but it was much more than that.

"Don't Touch That Dial" is one of the all-time great cartoon episodes.

Would've made Art Spiegelman some nice bank…

She's history's greatest monster!

George Dawes, the man with the scores?

Always loved that song.

Every time I saw one of their books, I thought it was one guy named Andy Diggle Jock.

Russ Meyer in Amazon Women On The Moon as the creepy video clerk.

Is Jeffrey Jones in any sort of a fit state to be making movies these days?

It is fine when they bash rich Republicans.
Very very fine indeed.

A technomage did it…

His work here was finished, and he returned to his home planet of Zarquon.