502 Bad Gateway

Does anyone remember an episode of Cheers where Frasier mentions both his parents were dead and/or he had no brothers or sisters?  I remember watching the start of Frasier and being a bit confused.

After he killed another hundred Czechoslovakians…

Ah, Threshold…  Janeway & Paris go faster than warp 10, become warp-salamanders, have warp-sex and warp-salamander babies.
Truly the best of Trek…

But on the plus side, it doesn't have all the annoying things about animated Peanuts, which is everything except Vince Guaraldi.

I'd like to know how she and various other actors mysteriously disappeared from Boston Legal.  Seriously, Spader, Shatner & Bergen were untouchable, but anyone else could vanish from that show without explanation.  It started to bug the crap out of me after a while.

You can really whup a llama's ass.

Blur - Modern Life Is Rubbish
May 1993
I will love this album forever.

Oh, he was pretty damn annoying back then too…

Couldn't they have found a better picture of Harry Belafonte?

This sounds like a UK perspective.  What came out of the UK in 1988-91 was so so much better than the US…

Christ, The Hooters sucked…

Was that why Crispin Glover turned out the way he did?

Wobble Wars!

We are all interested in the future, for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.

Little Debbie Gender Rolls are the best.

I need the Wesley Willis version.

I said this is a talkie, damnit! You've got to emote more! And you extras, wave your arms and make faces. What is this, a morgue?

I don't think he ever did finish it.  It took a serious jump between the college years and the later issues (which dealt with suicide and such), and he stopped it (for financial reasons) sometime in the late 90's.

Spathi always bugged me the most…

Isn't this pretty much every marriage in Game of Thrones?