
I love that as a society we're demanding more full on male nudity. 
Ewan McGregor could only get us so far

It's annoying whenever there is a gay sex scene people complain it's 'pandering' to the gay community (if it's two men) or pandering to men (If it's two women).  People are fine seeing gay character but as soon as they do anything romantic, people freak out and start demanding to know why they had to show it.

I'm not which story line is/was the worst:
-The pointless werewolf pack of characters we don't care about, attempting to hunt down other characters we don't care about
-Hillbilly/interbred were panthers that kidnapped/raped Jason, which has had no affect on him or been mentioned by anyone
-Sam's "I Can't Read!" useless

When I see Ken Jeong's name I assume he'll be playing an Asian stereotype.

In the flash back last episode, we see Warlow/Ben's pregnant wife before he leaves to get turned.  He comes back and kills everyone, right before his former wife tells Niall to hid.  So Niall is Warlow's son?  And Sookie is fucking her great-grandfather.

Have you tried "Dead Like Me"?  It's fantastic. It's from Brian Fuller (Wonder Falls, Pushing Daisies, attempted Mockingbird Lane, Hannibal).  A girl named George dies in a freak accident and is randomly picked to be a reaper.  She looks different (not like an Asian man or super model, just a homely girl) so she can

I love this theory.  I assumed when Vendetta was asking for his wife, was because they were both on the plane and he was trying to warn her about the plane going down or try save her or something.
Jonas Venture is basically the greatest super villain on the show.  He created mostly weapons, the positive things he

I'm *so* jealous of Hank's room.  I love how unflappable Hank is about everything.