dexters truancy

one of my all-time favorite MST3K lines, from SFO:

as cloying and ham-fisted and awkward as the whole ashley / gay marriage thing was, i give bravo props for treating the issue like any other lame reality show distraction. that's way better treatment than it usually gets on the news.

are you sure this is an A?
are you saying this is one of the best albums you've ever heard in your life? because if it isn't, then you've irrevocably degraded the grading system. an 'A' is reserved for albums in the upper .07% of all-time greatness, blah blah blah, my penis wah…

it's nice to see daft punk's breakthrough album releasing its own album. wait, that's what this is, right?

if you only see one interchangeable romantic comedy this year
make it this… or wait, maybe it was that other one? with the other guy and who's-its-face?

i can see it now
go see $9.99, for only $12!


operation double 007
i really think they ought to consider bringing neil connery out of retirement for this one. he can read lips, you know.

Right on. Season 2 was appalling in so many respects. Season 3 was the one that convinced me that the show was essentially good. (Season 1 had its pluses and minuses for me.)

spot the reviewer
All of SH's blurbs are trying way too hard. "Since the dawn of time…" to introduce crispy candy bars? "The term 'candy' can mean a lot of things…" for rimming sugar. " If you're going to be overly dramatic in your intros, at least go *completely* over the top.

True dat. I can't wait to see what this summer's "Soderbergh in the Park" feature will be…

damn skippy A-minus
i've only given the album one listen-through but on first impression it's pretty damn good. not nearly as doom-and-gloom as axis of evol, as it turns out.

well done, sir. i'll let others do the disease-wishing and whatnot that seems to be in fashion these days.

you know, sting used to be kind of cool once.

I'm disappointed in all of you. How could you not spot and pounce on the obvious firstie? The second and third series are both more consistent than the first. And the way the comment's broken up? Awful, just awful.

I loved the callback to the season 2 premiere. I almost sneezed beer when they jumped to the "… will NOT BE SHOWN TONIGHT!"

Bravo is the gay channel. Don't tie me in with Lifetime viewership, unless I fall into a coma.

I like this better that 'Spiderman', which is a tall order. I was hooked in the first 2 minutes.

i want him
to pick my NCAA bracket. he's apparently good with sports bets.

"I certainly wouldn't go so far as to say that Fabio's done a 'heckuva job' with this paa-sta."