
Eh, Jay is around the same age as my mom, who's been using computers for her job for twenty years at least, and is still completely and totally clueless about how to do anything on her computer when she's at home

Can't agree about the movie.. the episodes may have gone downhill but the movie was AWESOME

Meh… "great" is a stretch. They've been decent but pretty dull

On the one hand, I wanna say it was pretty much the worst Simpsons episode I've seen. That Acid joke with the Mister put me in a bad mood early and as the episode continued I was just… baffled. Is this why this episode got delayed like two seasons? Because it was just plain bad?

That episode is a million times more entertaining/worthwhile still than the trash they aired last night…

The first one was so bad yeah, but it was a million times better than the second one… The second one is one of the worst movies that I've ever seen in theaters, totally regret that.

I like him

Also, do they have no idea how to do a guest star monologue without a song? My friend and I who sadly watch each week have kept tabs and it seems like there's been maybe one or two episodes this season without some lame, unfunny song in the monologue. Do they really know no other way to fill 5 minutes?

Lol, I always thought she was hillarious (aside from some of her bits being repeated way too often) and I still just don't get the hate-on some of ya'll have for Kristin Wiig at alll…

True, but I really don't see how this is a B-worthy episode, even by recent standards.

Yeah he didn't really even do a very good job playing his own character to be honest, it was awkward

This got a B? It was pretty painfully bad. I can't even understand how you'd complain about Garth and Kat when that was one of the few legitimately funny parts of the episode.

Nah, don't do that, there's plenty of other good episodes after that… I say don't stop at some specific season number, but keep watching until you decide it's not enjoyable anymore

No, but I would say a couple of my favorite episodes after Season 10 are in Seasons 20-21

I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. I mean, I'm gay, and I was in high school when "Three Gays of the Condo" and "There's Something About Marrying" came on, and as someone with a deep internal struggle going on at the time, they gave me a lot to think about.

I feel like I'm one of the only people who really enjoyed that puppet episode…

I read this in Stefan's voice from SNL….

Road to Vegas wasn't bad… but that other episode was just awful. I don't think I laughed once..