Hermann Boring

Goddamn the tmnt riff was amazing.

Kumare is funny at times but not really a comedy. Rob Bell says as much that he stands in front of an audience and makes them laugh. It just seems an odd distinction to make.

"You Made It Weird’s first episode with a non-comedian" I know Pete said something like this but it is wrong or stretching the definition of comedian beyond anything meaningful. Mad Men actors, Emily Gordon, Cartoonist, directors, writers etc are hardly comedians.

my favourite part was when he said something along the lines of "wait people actually listen to this" then he hesitates for a moment and then is like fuck it and keeps going

needs more brody stevens 

I haven't re-watched it in a long time but I feel it could be quite enjoyable if you are willing to skip the worst of it.

For a show that eventually undid most of its major deaths. The death of Anya just feels cruel and unnecessary.Angel as a show did a much better job with death.

say what you will about the show but goddam it looks good. 

shout out to my history can beat up your politics and hardcore history.

My favourite moment in podcasting this week Nate DiMeo of the memory palace saying "Do it, lock the gates".

Most of the ones mentioned but most definitely hider in the house.

watch the bang bang tv show

PDN is racist against part Maoris

I think it is pretty universally recognised as the best season of a good show.

until the divorce at least.

Maybe they were sexless for years.

Podcasts for thoughtless/menial work or chores, music for work that requires thought.

Any show that puts out more than two episodes a week I will pick and choose. Other shows I really like will listen to every week. Some shows that are more guest dependent or hit and miss I will also be more selective with.

Most of those are based upon how many people actually sign up. Ari Shaffir is usually pretty direct about it on skeptic tank and from memory it is somewhere along the lines of $5-15 per person who enters the code out the checkout. The more direct sponsorships e.g. when comedy central sponsors wtf probably pay some

Kind of the opposite really.