Hermann Boring

Gutter Journalism

I don't like him that much but his podcast gets close to amazing on occasion. Gilmartin that is.

It could be a joke about his beauty regime.

Best episode in the series

Lorne's end is basically the best thing in the series.

Sexuality is complicated because we do not really have control over it but it is not a fixed unmoveable thing. The context of the individual and society is so important. The way things are framed currently are often excessively rigid.

Maybe an exaggeration with the right guest they can be good. Like Maron both of them aren't shy to get heated if the situation calls for it. Both of them are kind of full of shit but sometimes they are quite good at cutting through other peoples shit.

I think preference makes some sense if your sexuality is not clear cut between completely straight or gay (which most peoples isn't).

We are probably coming from different perspectives. Ymiw I find an absolute delight. I listend to a few episodes of Mohr Stories after hearing a few good things and thought it was awful mostly because I found him smug and unpleasant. I think a lot of comes down to your personal reaction to the host. The gentle awkward

Remember that quote came from Buffy in "lie to me".

Angel is basically Batman. I always loved it when he threatened breaking his rules to Lilah etc.

The one thing that I think really worked for Eve is how well she played scared later in the season. When she is meant to be confident it totally fails.

Was that in smile time? Wesley is so perfectly cocky and oblivious in it.

Totally agree she is very loveable this season SPOILERS and by the time a hole in the world hits you really feel it.

They are both awful.

I normally find the middle finger incredibly bland but that was by far the most funny part of the movie.

I find a lot of their early stuff hit and miss but I love that song specifically. The later stuff I wouldn't listen to intentionally but like it a lot more the most of the pop rock or other bullshit out there. I somehow saw them live a number of times without ever really intending to at festivals and supporting other

Four kicks was an awesome song.

malaise forever!

MIB was very tense great interview.