Sideshow Newt Gingrich

Is this before or after he got out of Oz?

I'm not sure if "truly pro-choice" really comes into it, it was her maternal feelings towards the child she was carrying. Hence all the talking about her feeling it kicking.

I'm also interested in why Will offered Alicia, the newest partner and a fifth-year lawyer, the managing partner spot. I know managing partner doesn't have to be the best lawyer in the firm or anything, but experience, especially with being a partner, is important. I would've given it to David Lee if I were Will, for

Yeah, but his personal cover is being in charge of mastodons at the Smithsonian. If he was in charge of ACME and presented as such, the pen wouldn't be suspicious. (although, ACME? Really?).

I saw that, with a live band. It was amazing.

Monday was a public holiday, so I made:

And thus, the shark was jumped. And there was little rejoicing.

the literal key is inside George Washington's literary key

He's been in it a fair bit. Never stops being a that kind of moment,

Two beardless mums

Definitely the best cop movie movie.

Yeah, but no West Wing means no middle seasons of The West Wing and no Newsroom (and no Daniels emmy-theft)

It's the sort of movie that should be 'run-of-the-mill entertaining' fare except everything that actually gets made in that category goes as low as it can.

Fuck everybody, Sussudio rules.

Zack, surely you mean 'in their late 20's but not pretending to be a few years away from college'.


Yeah, suck it baltimore

Hah he dropped it right on the line

Ravens v Broncos tonight, yo

Not well, but who could?