
Pennsatucky was never crazy religious; that was a persona she took on intentionally, remember? She shot the abortion clinic nurse because she had a rage moment, and applied the Christian Hero label to herself during the trial because it made her the center of attention.

I've been assuming Brook brutally axe murdered her friend Meadow.

Baron Wolfgang VON EVILHAND

Bromance? BROMANCE!?!? Crowley and the ex man of letters want to fuck dean. Also what was with crowley having straight sex. Human blood turns you straight?

Dialing _back_ the clock? I was going to say, dialing it forward 15 years. Archer has pretty clearly been in the 1960s chronologically, though obviously with strange mixtures of anachronistic modern technology which I always kind of assumed was a side effect of rampant super science.

Skye's entitled millennial arc was super annoying me, and then I started quoting LSP whenever she was on screen.

So while Blurred Lines is somewhat crappy and clearly derivative, it sounds actually not that much like the two cited songs.  Writing derivative tripe isn't the same thing as plagarism.  I find myself siding with that guy from the video with the dancing naked girls.

I cant see the map—how many hexes away is that orc?

Danerys is out to remake the world.  I am sure she is aware that remaking the world means a lot of turmoil and death—her time with the Dothraki, exile in the desert, and abuse in quarth cured her of her innocence, if not her idealism. 

"Yes, I'm calling for a Mr. Freely?  First initials I. P."

"Oil can!  Oil Can!"


The sequester resulted in a sudden reduction of FDA meat inspectors, with dire consequences.

Colorado Young Republicans meet after a long day canvasing for the Romney-Ryan ticket.

Colorado Young Republicans meet after a long day canvasing for the Romney-Ryan ticket.

If redox chemistry stops working, how are people not also all dead?  I hope the series spends at least a six episode arc exploring the minutiae  of the workings of chemistry and physics.

If redox chemistry stops working, how are people not also all dead?  I hope the series spends at least a six episode arc exploring the minutiae  of the workings of chemistry and physics.

Oh I am, but had assumed that Bill's guards WERE authority goons.  At least they were presented as such in season 4.

Oh I am, but had assumed that Bill's guards WERE authority goons.  At least they were presented as such in season 4.

Didn't those guards used to be glamoured humans?  When did they all become vampires, was it during the Authority demands babies plotline, or were they always vampires?