
Just yesterday I sold a book of Bob Dylan's quotes that I received as a gift for two bucks. Christ, there was an awful lot of bullshit in there. BTW, Leonard Cohen is also a better songwriter than Bob Dylan.


Pretty Good List
Objections: all 3 Christopher Nolan films (seriously, THREE?), Adaptation, omission of Lost in Translation. Glad to see a healthy number of foreign films. I'm going to check out some of these that I've missed.

casual KITH fan
So when Wolinsky mentions "all the cross-dressing quirky characters we've seen previously from the boys," which characters is he talking about? I didn't recognize any from the trailer.

proteges and blog
I've been a big fan of Steve Albini's work for many years and I've never heard of any blog or proteges. Does anyone know what Pierce is referencing in either case?

Kelberon—do you know of other people who have worked with Alan Moore who have had issues? Everything I've read or heard from his collaborators seemed only to praise him. Bissette sounds like a good fellow, but I'm hardly ready to judge Alan Moore's character on the basis of one side of a story.

"…but it's a bit late in the day for that, isn't it?"

"…the thing that annoys me most is the emphasis on technical material that the writers are clearly too lazy to get right. Every time they describe anything to do with biology or neuroscience, I want to throw my television out the fucking window."

Thanks for expressing this, M.F.L. I totally agree with you. I remember that before this ridiculous culture war got so heated up, you could expect a professed atheist to be the last person to proselytize about anything—thanks to people like Hitchins, atheism is turning into a silly club where folks band together to

Letter Grades
Britney Spears - Blackout = B+