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    Everything about the sketch felt more '50s than '40s. Definitely going for a Douglas Sirk vibe.

    Cyrus tried to use SNL to course-correct the Salvia flap last time she was on, and it just felt desperate. Best thing she can do next week is be herself. Her seminude self.

    The show, or your raging warm fuzzy?

    That "You can run a non-profit since you've never made a profit" line was distractingly weak and sitcommy. I'm guessing they only had one shot at filming on the London Eye.

    Ann and Chris knowing they could count on a hug from Leslie was great. Especially the delighted look on Jones' face as Poehler launched into a stream of Knopey superlatives.

    "Good cheese eye, Leslie!"

    I love how Chris nods appreciatively at the mention of Zap Vigil.

    If you listen real close you can actually hear the writers saying, "We just made this guy the star of the show and now he's leaving to do a movie? Guess whose character just turned into a giant asshole."

    Mycroft says only that he found, among Sherlock's things, "what appeared to be an authentic Picasso". I expect he was smart enough to figure out whether or not it was.

    Fan-casting Andy's parents in 3… 2… 1…

    Your education starts here:

    No, that's still sticking Ed Helms on a derelict yacht during the last year of The Office. Tied with Suzanne Somers literally phoning it in for her last eps of Three's Company and Shannen Doherty just plain disappearing between seasons on Charmed.

    "You wanted to tussle. We tusseled."

    Move "Dog Prom" up a couple steps

    The color panels were a very good look.

    It's a small thing, but I wish the show could actually depict some appallingly out-of-shape Pawneeans. We hear about their lousy health standards (especially obesity rates) but everyone onscreen looks fit enough.

    Serafinowicz's New York Actor impression remains one of the funniest things I've ever seen on a bad show.

    He used to be smart with the wisecracks, though. Somewhere along the line he degenerated into a quip machine. Now he's the New Yorker's equivalent of Gene Shalit.

    Pretty sure most of the target audience wouldn't know a typical Whedon series if it bit them on the… neck.
