
"Yeezus is My Homeboy?"  Yes, as a question.

But how will I carry on with my life without witnessing the conclusion of that-one-guy-from-The-Plain-White-T's epic, televised love story?!?

" But I agree that… the jokes superficial…"

No, "you's" is the contraction form of "you is."  It's the more gangsta contraction.

Throw your translucent hands in the air if you's a true player.

"Monsters X to assemble a squad of monsters who would then do monster things, in a squad"

"Douchebag? More like douchehat, amirite?"


You know, I'll concede I haven't seen enough episodes to have an informed opinion about this show.  You're probably right.  But what I said above is the impression I got from the few eps I did see.  Like I said, future curmudgeonly old lady.  I'm just finding the

Absolutely.  Confession: My friends and I used to each have a part. I always sang step 3, because Jordan was my favorite. I did eventually master the falsetto though, I like to think. My friend Marie did a mean Danny Wood.  He was her favorite. I think she's the only former NKOTB fan who can make that claim.

About two.  I say "about" because I didn't make it through the whole episodes for the reasons I described above. (Points for the Van der Beek/Gosselaar episode though.)  To me it just all seems the same.  The Happy Endings characters = The New Girl characters = Don't Trust the B**** characters, etc. Interchangeable.

Sean O'Neal, will you marry me?  Or if you'd prefer, we could take a pierogi cooking class together.

Does it really matter. All shows like that are the same. I'm not saying that snarkily, just resignedly.  Recipe: good looking people, self-referential humor, snark substituted for wit, caricatures substituted for realistic characters, pop culture references, etc.

Step 1: We can have lots of fun.
Step 2: There's so much we can dooooooo.
Step 3: It's just you and me.
Step 4: I can give you more.
Step 5: Don't you know that the time has arrived?
Huah. Huah. Huah. Dunananananana.

Am I the only one who saw the link title "Ashanti (Blu-ray)" and wondered, "Why the hell would there be a Blu-ray about her?" The former Murder Inc. singer of songs I don't know the name of.  Usually shit makes me feel old these days (and I'm only 31), but this made me feel young.  I'm all, "Yay, I'm too young to

*Camera then pans from urgh's face to mblondie playing the opening riff from "Edge of Seventeen*

That 'twas the ladies of TLC. But it's reasonable to assume that Destiny's Child has little tolerance for scrubs as well, as the ladies of Destiny's Child pay their own bills, bills, bills.