
But now your comment is ruined by the fact that in about half of U.S. dialects, the low back merger is obliterating the distinction between the two vowels. If you live west of the Mississippi and differentiate cot/caught, you are definitely in the minority.

You mean like the one about the Jewish pedophiliac?

I think that's because he expends significant time and energy banging his young model girlfriend. Plus I think she's helped change his diet. But mostly the banging.

Wow, the Squier Xmas sing-along is blinding in its whiteness (I think it's even made JJ Jackson whiter). All the uncoordinated clapping and sloppy swaying—it's like a typical white-person wedding reception. Especially hilarious when the camera pans out and you see the whole collective unevenly rocking like a ship

I was never sold on Tony B. Buscemi never fit the character—everytime he was in a scene, I always thought "hey, it's Buscemi", like he was a guest star for a few episodes. Definitely didn't seem like a cousin of Tony Soprano.

I think you're spending too much time on the AV Club boards. These last few comments of yours have the content equivalent of exhaling.

Wow, an A-? You've got my attention. But tell me this: do I need to see any of the first 3 MI films to achieve this A- experience? Not only is that a lot of time and work, but all the previous films looked lazy and boring to me.

Three movies, lots and lots of money, for some "unpleasant" work?

Well, if it's a fucking radio show, then maybe it should be listed under a weekly AVclub entry titled "Radiomass", instead of "Podmass".

Agree wholeheartedly with your second comment. The moment someone says that the Olive Garden is "cheap" is also the moment I realize this is a person who does not know how to cook. Do you realize how inexpensive (and fast) it is to make simple pasta and pasta sauce? Same for a salad—Olive Garden doubtlessly uses

Haha, whoops—make that Todd Barry. I always forget his name, and yet he always makes me laugh. It even makes me laugh thinking about him making a self-effacing joke about how everyone forgets his name, while somehow not making it sound like a cliche joke, and then still getting in a cattily acerbic (and yet

Time for some unsolicited opinions:

What an asshole. Also, he doesn't drink—why the picture of the glass of bourbon? Is this representative of his 30 Rock character?

There is a 99.9% that this post was made my a woman, probably around my mother's age. You can find variations of these "LOVE, LOVE IT" comments all over Facebook and other mainstream comment boards.

Instead of the warm gooey smile, would a tug at the lump in my jeans be an okay substitute?

I found that equal parts repulsive and erotic.

You people are pretty fucking sick.  I'm 29 and teach college students,
and most of them look about four years younger than I remember the
undergrads looking when I started college.  Even my 22 year-old seniors
mostly look like little kids.

I've got an appointment later today to see my doctor about a hangnail.

Except he's not honest, you imbecile. That's exactly my point. It's the tired cliche of pretending that it's oh so hard to plug one's nose and do these mega-blockbuster films when all he really wants to do is great art.

“Basically, if they’re going to pay me the stupid money right now, I’m going to take it,” he says in Vanity Fair’s
November issue. “I have to. I mean, it’s not for me. Do you know what I
mean? At this point, it’s for my kids. It’s ridiculous, yeah, yeah. But
ultimately is it for me? No. No. It’s for the kids.”