
Yeah, the final three are totally underwhelming. When you look back at the finalists from past years, they blow these kids out of the water. I think the producers' idea to stack the cast with young'uns backfired — their ideas just aren't as interesting. Like this week, I felt like the most interesting development

Oh yeah! I forgot about that. I guess the Kelly storyline sticks in my head more because of those ridiculous mugs she made.

Jim's performance report
Was anybody else wondering if the performance report that Michael showed David was the negative customer service report that Kelly wrote a season or two ago when she was mad that Jim didn't go to her America's Got Talent party? I assumed it was a clever throwback by the writers, but maybe

At the same time, he's probably completely frustrated with Michael — as it's established in this episode, he's tried to get a promotion over and over and keeps getting blocked by Michael. And Michael makes it harder for Jim to do his job. I know I can get like that sometimes in similar situations with, say, my