
To be honest, I think pulling another "person dies immediately after kissing longtime romantically teased partner" thing at midseason would be a bit much anyway. IMO, the episode stands if Shaw lives, because the important thing is that she was willing to sacrifice herself for everyone, even if it doesn't end in her

They didn't actually show her getting shot in the face though—obviously it was implied, but Martine could have shot the camera and then dragged her off somewhere, or the shot could have been from Shaw's gun—if you look at the end, she still has it.

Also, judging from the promo—it looks like at the very least, Shaw isn't dead /yet/. So there's that.

Honestly probably the best episode of any show I've seen in a long, long time. The entire episode was structured excellently, the music was brilliant as always (wonderful use of The Glitch Mob), even though it was extremely tense and emotional there was still humor, and the ending was absolutely killer.