You can say a lot of things about Joe buck (he's boring, unemotional, whatever) but he's sure as shit not inane. He's one of the more insightful and on-top-of-things play by play guys.
You can say a lot of things about Joe buck (he's boring, unemotional, whatever) but he's sure as shit not inane. He's one of the more insightful and on-top-of-things play by play guys.
Was he even really that funny last year? It seemed like he was reciting tired, old late-night TV monologue jokes. (BUT OMG HE WAS STANDING IN FRONT OF THEM WHEN HE SAID THEM).
Just out of curiosity, why do you AV club people (or at least a consensus of you) not like napoleon dynamite the movie?
It doesn't matter since they're neither of those things…
Is it bad that democrats are a centrist party right now and there is no real liberal party? In my opinion this skews political debate to the right. The democrats have ceded the center to such an extent that being centrist is seen as "being a democrat"
The 12-16 year-old girl demographic has far too much power in the market. Something about the way industry execs are able to homogenize them into all liking the exact same thing. Its scary stuff. The same can be said for the middle aged housewife demographic.
Yes, yes you have
Right on with homeland. The first few episodes were like watching a movie in terms of production.
It gets stronger just about every season. Stick with it.
You can hate it for perfectly valid reasons like its not very funny and in typical ABC fashion it simply gloms successful elements from other shows onto its shows to create unoriginal pandery pander-thons,
I try to avoid watching NFL games on CBS because the ads are so terrible. It's depressing really.
I watched the entire third season yesterday. It doesn't take that long. There are only 7 or so episodes.
It's weird that they're two different companies
Just watch it on Hulu, nerd
Did you hear about their new tour? Bush is opening for tool and then after that hole is opening for Korn.
I god, i love that video. What ever happened to that guy?
Alien sucked, so why should this be any different?