
I love the fact that no one gave Belly Button's comment a serious response

There are no strings on me

Especially since GotG 2 took place about three years before this season does

Yea man I really enjoyed season 2 but that finale was such a let down

Tears of joy. Tears of fucking joy.

Lmao Al is a madman with no chill. Who says something like that in the Dean's Office, to the actual Dean??

Yea the New X-Men hands down have it the worst. Still, I'm excited to have another book with (some of) them

Hahaha I laughed pretty hard at this. Well done. That should actually be the tagline for the book.

I mean that's fine, but I'm pretty sure Quentin's graduation was an actual plot point. They age slow sure, but not in reverse.

Didn't half these kids (Quentin, Rockslide, Pixie) graduate already? Or is the Xavier institute a post-secondary institution too? Or when Franklin Richards created this new multiverse, did he turn back the clock, trapping them all in a perpetual cycle of being high school students, like the characters of Archie?

"After all, if his big advantage is that he already knows everything they’re going to do, making Barry unable to remember it should negate that advantage."

That was the part of it that was weird to me too. Like yea, when you say "but they're cousins" it sounds weird. But 3rd cousins is pretty far removed

Ah, good call!

Ok, even knowing exactly what was going to happen, that eye roll was still pretty hilarious.

Yea I figured, but to be fair it had been going on before IvX.

Hahaha, sounds about right for Davis

We all wish

Universe: "Challenge accepted."

"Then he pussies out"

Ah yes, thanks for the reminder