
Lol I was totally waiting for a Trump reference in the review

They're called ICERs now

Wait, Havok?

I was on board with Daisy letting Mack stay, but a friend brought up a really good point about just taking him out, and then giving him the choice once he's back in the real world and has all the information/memories. If he still wants to go back, then put him back in at that point.

Yea I knew he was coming back but didn't expect him so soon, so when the portal lit up, I went OFF

Lol is it weird that I didn't catch that as being racist at all? Like I didn't even make the latin connection, it just clicked to me as a nickname one might give a fast person

It's easy to feel that way about it, then you think about your own first heartbreak and it's like "yea, I get it."

She heard the stories about what Fitz did for Jemma and decided to try and top it

Something's soul is in there, at least

"to her bringing down buildings."

"Davis has been around since season 1"

Um, no. Pedantically correcting someone works best when you're technically wrong, but the other person doesn't know enough to correct you.

"* Ivanov's LMD bodies made "made only for killing." Is his head in the jar supposed to be MODOK? That's… weird."

It was a weird mix for me. The scene played kind of comedically (probably intentional) but I was also on the edge of my seat waiting to see how shit hit the fan

The number one being the way they continue to treat (adult) Cyclops like some horrible villain right???

What would her codename be then though? Ms. Quake?

I was never that hyped about it. But Scott Buck ensures my hype levels are at about zero.

Decapitation (or whatever the word is for having one's face removed) by holo-shield also deserves an A grade on it's own merits. I almost stopped watching right there, because I knew it would get even better, and I wasn't sure I could handle it

I wonder if the equipment was still active or if it was just an easier point for cross-dimensional travel due to being weakened by all the traveling they did before

Yo I just watched that one earlier this week haha