

No wonder I took so long to get over mine! I didn't know any big Slavic guys

If they were grading this on the CW-Verse scale they would have to go into Japanese rankings. This would be an S, last week's would have been an SS etc.

Her becoming an evil version of Nightcrawler from X2 and just teleporting behind people in a dark enclosed hallway was creepy as fuck!

The Flash, drag a plot out for only 3 episodes? Surely you jest!

It's magic fam

I'm guessing the black agent. Did he die though?

I don't remember tbh. It's been a while

I totally thought that shot would zoom out show Yoyo in the middle of being dissected

"That cannot be a real movie."

Yea in recent years I've come to believe that most of these problems are caused by not seeing these "other" groups of people as actual human beings

The reviewer literally says that Reggie handled the situation poorly. But the cop is not entirely blameless. In what world is it reasonable to pull a gun on a college student who is not acting threateningly and whose story has been corroborated by every single other person at the gathering, including the "aggrieved"

"What I look like, a charity case? I took it, and threw it on the ground!"

Which actually was Reggie's point

What really struck me about that scene was how hung up he got on his outrage at the thought that they thought he was racist. It's so accurate, because once that word comes into play all reasonable discourse tends to shut down. I mean, most white people treat the word racist the same way they treat "rapist" or "Nazi"

I know. I'm so ashamed

Anyone else get Hyper Light Drifter vibes from some of them musical cues?

Coco and Joelle are fine as hell. Sam is aight to me, lol

Oh damn I somehow forgot that it was Teyonah in the film.

Genuinely curious: Is Simone Missick biracial?