
Yea my reaction was more "damn, did he really just say that?" than "hahaha oh man that was good"

Which is slightly different than what OP was told

"I might be rattlin' a few cages, grinding a few gears or even stirring the pot,"

Don't care at this point. Having that iconic moment was a must. I'm sure Foggy will get to flex his legal muscle.

It wouldn't be like that because the point is mutants are a race and that entire race is discriminated against. The point is not them having powers, the point is that they have powers because they are a separate race from humans. The other guys have powers because of accidents or whatever, meaning they're still human.

I believe it is

Um, there's a good four year gap between the first Avengers and Civil War to work with. But that doesn't matter, cuz like I said, in Civil War, Spidey tells Tony he's had his powers for six months, meaning he has actually been active for even less time than that. And it's highly likely the Netflix series haven't even

Barry can not catch anyone once they escape his line of sight. At least he's been consistent about that

Iron Fist definitely got the "The Get Down Part 2" treatment.

I still interpreted that more as fear than her trusting him. And seeing an evil future Barry step out of that suit was probably pretty scary for her

I didn't "know" it would be Future Barry, I just really, really hoped it would be.

Don't bother fam.

And made Barry look even worse than both of them, since he kept getting his ass handed to him

Yea this is one thing the writers were actually clear about


Killer Frost isn't hotter that Caitlin to me. She's trying waaaay too hard

Such bullshit yo

My guess is that he is from a different timeline where Iris was killed some other way and he became Savitar, so he decided that he liked himself better like this and came to this timeline to pass along the favour. But that doesn't make sense since they keep harping on that he already lived through all this, so who the

Yea it's so weird they're acting like Savitar knows everything because he lived it all, but then present Barry is clearly changing things from the future emo-Barry was in. I guess it just means that Savitar is from a timeline external to both of these, where he saw both the future which emo-Barry lived, and this one

It will be as well explained as Zoom's time remnants last season.