
I legit said "so Caitlin is Iceman now?" to myself

So I haven't been paying that much attention but why the hell was Joe even still wearing his wedding band??

Yea but…comic books. If I recall there was some hint he would survive. I dunno, I've just kind of been assuming he'd return eventually.


I thought that too but didn't want to make any assumptions. Plus I don't think that really applies to The Flash

Makes sense

Same reason people hate black people (or whoever): racism isn't logical.

All signs in these series point to them taking place before Civil War though. And I think Spidey had been active for about six months at that point? Or he had gotten his powers six months ago

Lmao this comment was hilariously defensive

At first I thought that said "Good Man" and spent far too long trying to figure out who you could mean

I've been waiting for Matt to play lawyer to JJ (or any of the others) since episode one of Daredevil! My body is ready!

I was legit like "Wait, they wouldn't. …would they??"

I almost couldn't deal yo

Keep in mind Daisy was an advocate for getting the hell out of dodge and coming back for Fitz later, she probably was partly thinking she could do the same with Mack

Haha yea the exact same thing happened to me. Although when I saw who it was I wasn't too upset because I had assumed that would happen anyway.

< spoiler > text < / spoiler >

It became too surgery? Not sure I get what you mean

They probably will

But if she knew enough about inhuman powers to recreate them in the framework, why would she need to (or have fitz) analyze them in the framework?

That effect did look quite Gordon-ish