
Oh damn

The Third Impact

Yea it's funny, some writers really want them to be mutants, some really don't

Well their powers did get swapped recently

They aren't currently mutants in the comics (they've gone back and forth on this in the past)

Ah okay nice, didn't catch all of that

Makes one wonder how much more fucked up the Framework would have been if Stark was in it and his parents never got killed

"I’m still confused on whether this version of Daisy and Simmons was how far she got in creating their specific worlds without a regret before they hacked into it or is it like a domino/butterfly effect and this is how they turned out based on everything else?"

But what better way to keep Radcliffe pacified and out of her way than giving him exactly what he wants?

Haha Jemma as Deathloket. I could dig it

He's probably still in ice

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going

I'm waiting for AIDA to start taking over the non-real inhabitants of the framework, Agent style

More like PTAD

May's seems to be what changed the world the most, especially since the framework was pretty much built around her, everyone else was added later

"when AOS is over soon,"

I don't remember that Raina mention

After watching 13 Reasons Why, I really hope they bring back Dylan Minnette as Donnie Gill at some point

Hahahaha so accurate!

In fairness, that's been a bit of a running joke on this show