
That strategy may not work as well as you think it does

Evil!Fitz would be this show's greatest villain

Makes sense


"What teenager just gives their car to a total stranger? Simply because they spray-painted that stranger’s ride? Least believable thing about the Framework, and I don’t care how much that kid hates Hydra."

It mostly works, although there are parts where it does drag a bit. Keep in mind I haven't read the books so no idea how it compares

Most of them convinced themselves Hannah was lying, and we know why Justin didn't want to admit it

I didn't get that impression from the show (haven't read the book) and that's something I was concerned about as well.

Maybe watch it and then decide?

"It's a response to a lot of fucking pain that seems like it's never going to end. It's about removing oneself because one feels like a burden."

"There are 13 reasons why she killed herself but think of the thousands who have the same reasons but didn't kill themselves."

It wasn't his choice to make and she explicitly told him not to do it.

Any favourite lines from this series?

I had to force myself not to binge it, lol

Nah he definitely remembered and was trying to cover his ass, that's why he was acting so shady in the beginning

Haha I was about to be all "Bryce should definitely castigate himself!" until I noticed the "some of"

I think the show was pretty clear in acknowledging that Hannah is as much to blame as any of the others. At least that's how I felt about it

Oh there were a ton of indications. Especially in one episode, maybe 12, when someone said "Whatever happens to one of us happens to all of us" and he was like "Really? If I kill myself, will you all die too?"

Oh, Reggie?

Everything you're saying I agree with, but I thought that was the entire point. Mr. Porter was a shitty counselor in a sense but in another sense he was just someone in a job who was in a situation he didn't know how to handle. I didn't find him unrealistic at all, and it becomes pretty clear later on that he was also