
Personally I think it works without the alcoholism allegory, you just have to be paying attention. But the alcoholism allegory is also a really good way to look at it too.

Yea I agree, but sometimes I think he takes it too far. It's why I wasn't a huge a fan of Buffy as I might otherwise have been.

I agree about viewing ME:3 as one long ending. People say your choices didn't matter but most of ME:3 is spent dealing with the consequences of your choices in the other two games. I can excuse a more limited final choice in light of that.

This reminds me of how funny it was to me after Danny came back from the "tournament" and Colleen was like "last time you went after the hand by yourself you got beat to shit" and I just pictured Matt after any random night of crimefighting. Colleen has no idea what "beat to shit" really looks like

I'd rather go with the idiot option.

I still like Chris Brown's music.

When I saw the episode I thought it was just that she was eavesdropping on them and being pleased with what she heard. But everyone else seems to think they're all in cahoots, so who knows.

Yea unless you're really interested or a Marvel fan I'd say you can get away without watching it

I appreciated that line cuz I noticed Danny had asked Colleen almost nothing about herself. Maybe if he had, this Hand stuff wouldn't have been such a surprise.

Really? You expect this from Harold?

That Iron Fist punching the ground moment looked way better in the trailer. He should have landed and punched in one smooth motion. Not landed, wound up, then punched.

Started rewatching Daredevil and the show does such a great job of establishing Matt's character and getting your sympathy for him in the first two scenes. Starting by showing him being blinded as a boy (from his father's perspective) and then cutting to him in confession.

To be fair we don't actually see her agree. (From what I remember)

All true, let me assure you

"but this is the worst I've seen"


I still think there should be no issues travelling to the future

Yea I know, but I want his powers to be vibrations like they should be

Shit. I just noticed it looks like Shocker has electric type effects when he uses his gauntlets. Did they turn the Shocker into an electricity based villain? Goddamn it

Oh yea perhaps. I'm so used to these movies taking place when they premiere. Good call