
Ugggggghhhhh I keep trying to forget that he's running that

Junior editor: "Hey boss, I got something I been wanting to try."

The Creamer

Yea it's basically how every little kid makes friends

I still think an MCU version of Busiek and Ross' Marvels a few years down the line would be amazing

Well said

It looks like Tony actually starts a company named Damage Control which is what gets the Vulture in a tizzy.

I hate to tell you this but LOTS of people couldn't stand Foggy. I was genuinely confused when people kept telling me how terrible he was


I thought it was setting up why they're perfect for each other. Dammit

"I love all my children equally."

The best part is when he straight up tells her. "Never trust him again."

"Why did we watch Colleen discover her dark side in an illegal fight ring, which somehow had no bearing on the evil ninja cult she naively didn’t know she was in?"

Hopefully if either thing happens, Peter says "Nah, I'm good" because he's decided he's better served staying on his own


Lol are you implying that having a hot aunt makes your life easier? The hell does that have to do with anything?

Trying to correct this misconception is a lost cause at this point. To be fair I suppose if so many people missed it then maybe it could have been presented in a clearer way.

Yup, Tony doesn't address this AT ALL during Civil War, and it's not like IM3 ends with Tony saying he will always be Iron Man. Not at all

I shook my head while reading this entire thread.,

Someone who learned from that and is trying to be more responsible? I mean "I was trying to be like you" "I want you to be better" pretty much sums that up