
And bomb parts

To be fair, building a suit in a cave with a box of scraps is like the definition of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Right?

I'm sure he'll figure that out by the time this movie is done

Well I like where it seems like the story will go, and I was wary about too much Stark as well

"I got a surprise for you kid: Let me introduce you to the Spider Legion!"

It being set in DC negates the "New York stand-in" aspect

Yea that was definitely an issue during Civil War, combined with some unconvincing green screen for the airport backdrop.

You have to "deal with a lot of casuals"? What exactly does that involve?

Damn, 7 upvotes

Might be way earlier when they're still chummy

I mean, I was already hyped for this, but damn, this trailer was awesome, glad to see I was right about it involving Spidey having to come into his own without Tony's help as well.

I guess in the first trailer it seemed like a climactic moment, but it looks like it might be what finishes up the first act so not as big a deal to show what happens

This being a high school movie they're probably just going with the whole ugly duckling trope.

Yea I would have thought so but there been previews that talked about Peter still discovering features of the suit Tony made for him, which makes me think it's all just bells and whistles Tony added. Unless maybe Peter shared those ideas (including how they would be implemented) with Tony and Tony added them in to

That's the framing device. All the superheroics are just the Sucker Punch-esque fantasy world Peter escapes to when it all gets too heavy

It's cool but I'm a little annoyed these all seem to be Stark inventions. Peter should be making his own gadgets

If they're gonna go the Spider-Verse route, I'd rather get some multi-cultural Spider-Men (and women) up in this bitch. The big screen needs Steampunk Lady Spider.

Ah so this is why that Damage Control series still hasn't happened

100% agreed. I'm putting the odds on 20 or so years though

Actually there's a riff in there which seems note for note the same as one of the tracks from the Tron: Legacy soundtrack