

I may do just that

At the very least the first episode is worth a watch. I mean, it has an Earth, Wind & Fire song AND steel pan music

It was such a Rachel Bloom song. I feel like even if I hadn't known in advance she wrote it, I would have realized by the time it was done

Sure, which is what I had always figured was the case with Westworld. Sometimes even when you have an overarching story in mind it's not until writing the actual scenes themselves that you might realize it doesn't work on some level

Ah good to know. That would definitely be my preferred method. But I guess it's easier with six or seven episode season

Does any standard TV show write the complete scripts for every episode before filming any of them though? (Except maybe the Netflix type shows that drop all at once)

Good lord can you imagine?

Hahaha great thread

And it's a pity because if he had just upped that number to 100 and added squats and 10km running he would have unlocked unlimited power

Yea there's a drinking game to be had every time Claire suggests calling the police. I feel like after the hospital debacle (and literally everything that happens in Luke Cage) she should be a bit more wary about that though

Haha, also fair

It's basically Romeo and Juliet. There's even poison involved!

Good post


Two more to go

"the way we, say, want to forgive Tony Stark for creating Ultron."

I dunno about "fantastic" but it was pretty enjoyable. I'd rate the first two thirds of the season a six and the last third about an eight, with the finale going back down to about a 7, so I'd give the series something like a 7 overall

I prefer that though

"When he's not shaking up things at his company by proposing radical new pricing strategies, Danny spends his time as the Iron Fist, which, believe it or not, is not the name of a sex toy.