
But in those cases she had enough concrete information that she couldn't be in denial. It's not like she didn't try to avoid gaining that information.

Just make it Frank loves Karen, Karen loves Matt, Matt loves Elektra, Elektra is possessed by a demon. That way, in true superhero story fashion, no one can be happy.

"They rushed this up so much. It's almost sad, because I do actually like it. I mean I wouldn't sell it as a quality show, but damn. It has aspects that do work and it's just sad they're buried under so many others that don't. "

"find them when they are young, vulnerable and give them something to commit, it builds loyalty"

Sure, if there was a sub-group of Nazis fighting against the other Nazis and the Nazi in question was part of that group and had also never seen her group of Nazis engage in any particularly questionable activities.

It doesn't make sense in terms of her needing the money, because why wouldn't Bakuto at least give her enough funds to keep the dojo afloat, even if having a super nice and lavish dojo would be suspicious.

For some reason when I saw he was still in the room with her I thought it was kinda cute

They're a healthy couple that fights but doesn't let it get in the way of sexy time. Cuz I'm assuming they just got done having angry "you killed my parents!" sex.

Yea same

Ah I kinda interpreted that as deliberate. Cuz at first you could see Danny glancing over and trying to keep up, but then he got into it and seemed to just feel either what motions he should be doing next (through his connection to the Iron Fist or whatever), or just feel what Bakuto was doing (through chi or

It's not like that's a low bar, they've all been pretty great up until now

Holy shit, that is almost literally what happens. Haha this is hilarious

Lol quite possible. But I tend to do that

You'd have to ask them.

Upvoted for lumbering pun

Same here, I was a big fan of s5, and there are parts of the other seasons I liked. That being said, I can barely remember anything from the last three seasons other than the Deb plotline and the Collin Hanks "fakeout." Oh, and Hannah of course

Gonna have to call bullshit. Of course they can. Good writing can fix any concept, no matter how fundamentally flawed. You just need to address those flaws in a compelling and nuanced way.

It almost makes the season better in retrospect.

Bakutou heard what happened and decided this was the time to strike. Also possible he has people watching them if he's so interested in Danny

Highly doubt it was on purpose. Just serendipitous