
Yea I'm willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt in that it can improve substantially in a second season. With the pressure of getting to the Defenders out of the way they can take their time and do it right. Plus if AoS has proven anything, it's that Marvel TV knows how to course correct.

The speed lab secretly siphons power from the speedsters for the building's generator?

This episode was decent, but the next three are my favourites of the season so I'm looking forward to the reviews. This is where it finally felt like the show had stakes and the fight scenes also stepped up.

Nope, that honour goes to electric powers

Maybe she can get thrown off an interdimensional portal?

That's all you can say!

If my my university teachers had bought that excuse I would have graduated two years earlier!

That's the part I don't get. Even if the in-movie CGI is unconvincing, wouldn't they at least up the rendering quality for a poster?

They had already ruined her character for me by having her breakup with Ollie and leave, then come back just in time to head back to the League as if it was suddenly just some sleepaway camp.


Lmao "Team Felicity"

It's pretty clear at this point she's not just doing it for revenge but is simply a straight up sociopath as well

"the Soviet Union ended twenty-six years ago?"

Nah because the "A" in "CIA" and the "A" in "asshole" aren't pronounced the same so that just sounds dumb.


Evelyn being alive was the best part of this episode. Hope my bae makes it out of this season. She'd be an interesting recurring antagonist

If they had cast Tan originally I definitely would have given him a chance. But given how things stand now I just didn't have the same "omg he would have obviously been soooo much better" reaction to him as others did.

Which definitely makes sense, and if the show had demonstrated they were really committed to getting the martial arts aspect right then it probably could have worked. I kinda like Jones though and I think he could shine in the role with some better writing and better overall production behind him.

Yea I get what they were going for but as with most things in the show, the execution let it down

Haha yea, that's the problem with this show isn't it?