
Yea, as much as people talk about Claire as the voice of reason, her whole

I dunno if I agree about Tan deserving the role more. His actual acting in this episode wasn't great (loved the accent though). And I know the immediate response is "neither is Jones'" but he's seemed better to me than the glimpse we got of Tan here.

There's definitely meant to be a contrast between Danny's words and his actions. They go into it (a bit) more later

I bought Matt's character arc in season 2. His actions were (to me) a natural response to the things he learned in season 2 (namely that most of what he did in season 1 really had no lasting impact)

It makes sense for a child that's had to deal with emotional abuse from his father to lash out at a younger child though

To be fair, Danny's "It's like you all trained on the same playground" clapback from the episode before this was pretty badass.

"Hopefully the next few episodes will make better use of the Chinese locale"

Lmao they could pull a Dark Night Rises. "Zou Cheng is cool, but you should go by your first name"

For sure, I'm excited for it, it's just funny that every time I read a positive review the next review I read is negative. And this is without actively seeking them out

Haha the reviews this thing is receiving are the very definition of mixed

Wtf is Photoshop Illustrator?

Forget the drive, how the hell did he get two bodies downstairs without anyone seeing?

Yea I figure he's done the deed by now too, but I still like giving him shit.

"quick payoff"

Yea but I interpreted that as typical anime hot spring episode shenanigans as opposed to actually leading to anything

I'm pretty sure his grunt on insertion was it, the rest was him trying to save face

Danny: 1, Cap: 0

"This isn’t exactly a critique, but it would’ve been sweet if Colleen had been the one to deliver the classic, “Are you sure you wanna do this?” line, seeing as Danny is (presumably) the one stepping more out of his comfort zone."

Yea Spec Spidey is my favourite Spider-Man adaptation hands down. I watched most of the first season of Earth's Mightiest but I could never get into it in the same way