
Which is why I was so reluctant to demonize Dave a few months ago when some random excerpts from one of his shows got posted on some pro Trump news site, to much outrage from the commenters here.

Haha fair enough. I did follow the theme when I read the content of the article so no worries

Yea I agree, I had the same problem with AoS' tendency to have Hydra be responsible for everything which is something they eventually grew out of

For some reason the term "explosively funny" kind of skeeves me out

That would be understandable haha

"which she immediately establishes in a glossy intro that follows three sexy pharmaceutical reps as they peddle the Hand’s heroin to both legal and illegal distributers."

Meh, I doubt anything in this show will be absolutely essential to getting The Defenders. It will probably be more meaningful, but undoubtedly you will have Danny explaining what the others who weren't around for the events of this series missed.

Doesn't he say pretty much those exact words later in the episode?


Foreshadowing for the Defenders maybe?

I got the impression that the monks kind of just threw in these sayings from different philosophers etc without actually embracing any one system of teaching. So it was like a hodgepodge of different ideas, all with the goal of turning these kids into weapons.

So Hydra 2.0. Or maybe it would be Hydra 0.5?

I remember thinking that they really needed Matt in that scene. At least it establishes somethign about how the dynamic will be. Danny's (supposed to be) the better fighter, but Matt is better with the whole sneaking around and urban parkour thing


Isn't that what she kinds of ends up doing?

Matt of all people should not be rolling his eyes at someone in a weird costume

I did the same thing after finishing the season and I 100% agree. Plus I'm amazed at just how much style there is in the cinematography of DD as well.


"helped the show unclench a bit."

Doesn't he apologize during their stakeout scene though?