
Well said

In his defense, he had considered it, but had decided that it would slow him down too much. Then he discovered the special material Fisk was using and decided to reconsider. Based on how bulky the suit he did get ended up being, one can imagine just how bulky a suit made of normal material would have been. So maybe he

Curdle the comedy? Or enhance it? I actually think it was more her trying to determine if that was the case or not, then she sees there seems to be some mutual attraction there and she dips.

You're not the only who says that

Just another sign of how rushed this was

Harold's dickery to Ward only gets worse (better?)

Woah, I would definitely NOT put it above Luke and Claire, but it's probably my second favourite.

At least in Colleen's case it can be argued that she didn't start trying to recruit him until after she started to fall for him but I'd have to rewatch to be sure

Meh, those fights were nicely staged but they were underwhelming in how quickly they ended, and they were marred by some truly awkward editing

That was a great scene, and yea Colleen and Danny's relationship is probably my favourite part of the show.

That's cool, but Dave Chappelle's special drops today!!

But I think we can all agree that bullets are just the worst.

That's the weirdest part to me. None of these complainers actually think the person saying "I could care less" means that they actually do care. If the meaning is clear then why spend all that time bitching?

I always thought of it as, "Sure, I could care less…but not by much." But that's just after-the-fact rationalization. At the end of the day it's just a stock phrase

And if it wasn't for those things, writing raps would be waaaaaaay more difficult

Yup. It's ironically another example of that greatest catalyst of language change: laziness.

Fuck! I haven't gotten to that episode yet you bastard!


Words being replaced tend to do that. Pesky bastards