
No exaggeration, I was willing to give Suicide Squad a pass until I saw that moment and I was just like "Nope. Fuck this movie."

It does. But not until later

Normal? He was going soft on that kid


"because of course he does."

He sounds like Micheal Douglas as Hank Pym to me

I mean, this is DC's movie department we're talking about…

Yea now that you mention it I'm pretty sure he states it outright in season 2

Ah that makes sense. I remember that but didn't make the connection.

Highly doubtful

Definitely. But for me that's actually a plus. Of course he would come off that way (until he kicks your ass)

That scene from Scary Movie comes to mind. You know the one I'm talking about

I don't get you people. Luke Cage gives you comedic gold and it makes you want to drop the show?? Funniest scene I'd seen in a while.

My bigger question is whether Stick and his people (what did they call themselves again?) know about it

I feel like that's part of all our origin stories

"We are Rand" as in the company, not the family

Agreed. Episode 3 was where I really started to feel the validity of some of the critics complaints, but episode 4 got me back on board.

Fair enough

Hahaha I didn't know anything about Etrigan before but I recently watched the Justice League Dark animated film and I loved him in that. He had some serious bars!

"given how many Avengers, Inhumans, Sorcerer Supremes, and genetically manipulated people are running around, maybe Dr. Edmonds should learn to be a little less skeptical about people who claim they have special abilities. At least give Danny a chance to try his powers without medication!"