
Haha yea, that's why I threw in that "early on"

Sorry, I suppose I should have asked what made you think you were supposed to think the Meachums were being unreasonable. Danny can have a sympathetic goal and still be acting like a crazy person thereby making it understandable when he gets treated badly. It's not like you're only allowed to see things from the

I mean I'm not "Asian" myself, but as a black man I found myself thinking of what it would be like if there was some white comic character who's power was rapping really well and when they were making a show about him people started clamoring for them to cast a black guy instead.

As a black man I'm eagerly awaiting the day I become wise and mentorly.

"Asian villains, sure, Daredevil had those too and no critic complained."

He actually reminds me of how they portray Iron Fist in Ultimate Spider-Man (the cartoon).

What made you think you were supposed to be siding with Danny? Nothing the Meachums did (early on) was out of line.

Enjoyed this a lot actually. The review is right in that it is a little slow though.

Room service guy? I feel like I've seen a scenario like that somewhere. Can't remember what ended up happening though…

I get the impression Talia has other shit to do, but she fully supports Chase's revenge plot and checks in from time to time just to see how the little guy's doing.

In that red dress or nah?

It's possible that after their falling out she developed her own techniques. Remember she implied that she's used the Lazarus Pit as well. Assuming she was estranged from her father before meeting Oliver.

That shit was hilarious!

That was last season, it doesn't count

"So, do you think we’re going to learn Vigilante’s identity—or just his deal in general—or is he going to be quietly forgotten? I could go either way on this."

Can't believe they're gonna do Venom before even doing the Aunt May standalone.

Hell yes. But I just really want to see America Chavez in the MCU


The clause you omitted is kind of important to the meaning of the sentence

Shouldn't you be relieved it wasn't a character you actually loved?