
Wally is a fun in a secondary capacity but he would be a huge "Meh" as the main character. I'd rather have Jesse tbh, and I'm not even that huge a fan of hers

Because she didn't know that. As far as she knew, keeping that stone posed a huge risk to the team

Disagree. Wally did a lot of dumb stuff this episode

This whole thing would be so much more compelling if they just revealed it though. Having the character actually contemplate how he could end up like this is so much more compelling than throwing the twist out in the last episode.

Actually that was probably the one smart thing Barry did this episode. He was all "fuck that, I'm not tryna get pulled in too. Let's just see where this goes."

He's always been that way. Just hides it well. But it is weird to me that the writers didn't just have him say "blessing."

I mean if Barry set up the prison couldn't he just un-set it up? Maybe Barry should just travel to the future and ask his future self "what the fuck?" cuz this is the second evil speedster that's come after current Barry because of future Barry's shit.

I imagined a scene where Iris was like, "Wait, did you just make up all that stuff about your grandfather?"

Yo that was sexist as fuck. I actually laughed at how ridiculous that was.

Implying The Flash has ever handled its female characters decently.

I dunno, she's good but she's no Jeff Winger


Maybe he's not as powerful since he's physically outside the speedforce?

Yea I'd find that so annoying if I was him. And they're always like "you have to save ____" then when he doesn't save them they're like "it's not your fault" but I can see how he'd take it as being his fault.

So both halves think he looks better?

I like how it's kind of justified in-universe now since he isn't just a projection of the speedforce

A lot of dumb decisions by the team members this time around. I found Iris' speech a little odd since just last week she was saying how happy she was to be able to be rescued by her boyfriend The Flash.

Lol Joe needs to sit down

Oh shit it's back!

Oh, you mean the episode where they kept going on about needing their "big guns" to take on Hive, and those "big guns" turned out not to be a badass beam weapon like the one Coulson shot Loki with, but a regular-ass rocket launcher?