
Wait, Justin is in this too?

And let's not forget the Black Panther "meow" caption *shudder*

That look went out of style in Arrow season 2

I still find it bemusing that even though literally no one was asking for a Thor sequel to be more comedic than the first two, that was what the direction Marvel decided to go in.

Yea same. I was thinking the same thing about Jackman aging horribly until halfway through when I realized that evil clone Wolverine was probably closer (though probably not identical) to his current look

Oh hell no! Their relationship is nowhere near being the show destroying dreck that Olicity turned into. Really think about some of the things that happened as part of Olicity, because it got terribad.

OMFG A King of Fighters reference! You just made my night. Might go play some XIII right now

Thank you! I don't get why everyone is forgetting the kind of culture Mon-El grew up in. Of course he's not gonna suddenly become Mr. Supportive boyfriend over night. I'm actually continually impressed at how much he seems to have learned in this short amount of time

"Finally"? She tells him off like every episode lol

Yea he must be confusing this with Young Justice

I mean I like Mon-El and their relationship is pretty fun, but I would trade it in a heart beat for some Kara x Lena action

You'd rather a whole week of dread?

I just wish someone had pointed out that there were more possibilities than "Jeremiah is evil" and "Jeremiah's rescue is totally luck and nothing to be suspicious about at all." Cadmus could have sent him there and staged it so that even he thought his rescue was legitimate, while implanting some bomb in him, or

Thanks for those stats, actually helps put things in perspective. Although I would assume those numbers would be lower since Supergirl should be a pretty big deterrent. Then again the show has shown that there is so much crime that Guardian actually does provide a service so maybe the numbers are higher for some reason

I'm definitely picturing Pam from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Yea I was hoping she would do it anyway. Or more realistically (from an emotional perpspective) shot him anywhere else in order to incapacitate him. Legends of Tomorrow did the same false dichotomy with Rip a few episodes ago. I know in real life you need to treat every shot as potentially lethal but this is a

This response is funnier than it has any right to be

Lmao! Is that Riley??

"Armed with […] a Winter Soldier knockoff"'

The All-Black Supergirl universe?