
Was she not?

Gambino ftw!

"Later that night, Fred gives Archie encouragement, saying he’d still be proud of him even if he were to “bomb like electric Dylan at a folk concert.” Archie’s response: “I’m not sure who that is.” In my initial viewing of this episode, I had to pause the show for 10 minutes to regain my composure."

I dunno man, you really think they can top the Zoom is Jay reveal?

I've definitely been in Rene's shoes too many times when it comes to accidentally burning someone. It tends to happen when you always gravitate to the most comedic reading of a situation

I miss Evelyn.

Yea that decision could have worked if the villain that replaced him had actually been compelling. But nah

Oh man I've seen many. Come to think of it though, most of them are anime

Nah my response was a tongue in cheek commentary on how Barry on the show is pretty terrible a lot of the time. Some would say he already is pretty evil

That is effing genius

Yea I can get being worried about the double fakeout thing

LMAO! So dumb

HR has contributed plenty, multiple times. And far, far more than Iris

I think it's just a result of not having had the positive influence of the Star Labs team for a long stretch of time.


I wouldn't be embarassed about watching Power Rangers (especially RPM) so…

And yet you have something in common with the characters on these CW shows: the tendency to point out just how heroic you are

Totally unrelated but I'm so excited for this weeks Arrow. While watching the other shows often feels like a chore, Arrow is the one I genuinely look forward to these days

Arrow is the only CW show where we actually get to see the main character working at his/her dayjob and that day job actually has some relevance

And dye Wally's red while they're at it!