
Lmao Oliver would never do some corny shit like that

While they did have chemistry, Barry was even more terrible to her than to Iris so…

I sometimes feel this way too, but then I notice how good she looks in whatever she's wearing and the concerns fade slightly

Don't worry, Raven was being sarcastic

They haven't done that yet, right?

I can't wait for season 27 featuring The Whizzer. Marvel won't even bother to sue

LMAO ah man I love laughing at how dumb this show is sometimes

Ah, the JRPG method

I dunno man, that one time during the Christmas ep she sat on his lap and he put his hand on dat ass. I mean, what sign could be more clear?

During the proposal I thought about Patty, and found myself grateful for her that she got out early

You want them to give Barry more amnesia?? This is the guy who has to be reminded to run faster every episode!

Actually his explanation made a bit of sense. I had forgotten that vibing was based on vibrational frequency, so widening the harmonics that his frequency is attuned to should allow him to….

To be fair, Arrow has it's own issues with the consistency of the morality of killing. Like having Wild Dog mow down dozens of nameless thugs in the same episode Ollie tries to get someone else not to kill because it would change them.

Same way people have a problem with killing dogs but not other people.

Shit My (Genius) Dad Says

Really? I laughed so hard at "Yes…I have seen a doctor…" *shifty eyes*

That proposal was cliche as fuck and I was definitely on my phone the entire time. But is that part of what makes Barry the worst or just in general? He definitely wasn't at peak worst-ness this episode

The New Accelerator

Good thinking, expose him to them from early so he knows what to avoid in his own creative works

That's Captain Positive thank you very much!