
*Cue Black Flash watching from the shadows in the episode stinger*

I wouldn't bother to be honest

That actually is a more logically plausible version of the whole "wait just outside the room until I can walk in at the right cue" cliche

Between Barry's "everything I do is for you" and Wally's "I'm not complete without you" I'm not sure I like how the Flash' definition of great romance seems to be extreme codependence.

And they're always so confident when they pull out their guns too. "Yea, all of those other robbers have tried this, but they clearly just weren't very good shots!"

Gorilla titties!

I was bewildered that she never once brought that up

"I won't kill your leader."

I seem to remember them being given some device that would allow them to communicate the last time she left

Were they even together though? Yea they hung out a bit but I never got the impression they were actually boyfriend and girlfriend

And, unlike when he's in a literal city of gorillas, if he's in Central City again it would actually make sense for him to not show himself and speak through other people.

That still pisses me off!

Nah if he says he's sorry and asks for forgiveness he'll be fine

Still not worse than what Nas did Jigga (Or Remy did Nicki)

It would have been so hilarious if Grodd was like "He's dead? Good! Now let the sight of his slowly decaying corpse be proper motivation for you to do as I say." and just left him in the cell.

Too much credit!

Re: #5. I think it might be a case of be careful what you wish for. All he wanted was to be among his kind, but then he was sent to a city far different than the home he knew and forced to submit to cruel ruler. He got a reality check.

LMAO!!! I totally missed that, but I will defend myself by saying I was distracted by all the other dumb shit in this episode.

"The teamwork required to engineer their escape (by having Caitlin use her powers to freeze Barry long enough to fool Grodd into thinking he’s dead) is refreshingly free of the usual interpersonal drama and trite pep talks."

Wait. Kyle Chandler is in this? Might have to watch now