
I actually hadn't thought about this guy once today…until now. So thanks for that lol

Works for me!

A crush? He was straight up in love

"and since Jean's a better human being in pretty much every way"

Back then he was pretty terrible. But post-AvX Scott is the best (despite what Marvel keeps trying to tell us)

"It's not that you're not crazy, it's just that you're a powerful mutant," has been the defining mantra of the Summerland crew from the moment they rescued David. But I feel like they're about to get a crash course on the AV Club mantra of "ItHe can be two things."

Meh, it felt 100% sweet to me. But after the fact I found myself thinking it would probably have come off as creepy if the roles were reversed.

I'm pretty sure Ptonomy just ain't tryna spend any more time in David's fucked up head than he has to

I dunno if I would say "continuously." They kind of toned it down in seasons 2 and 3, but yea definitely not out of nowhere

If it wasn't for the current overuse of "slay" in internet culture I would have upvoted this

Upvoted for last two sentences

Hahahaha I forgot about that poster. I remember a couple girls in my dorm had it too

Hmm, yea I suppose that makes sense too

Well Aida did say she had to make some changes to the Framework when she added the others, so presumably this version of it doesn't actually take Daisy's desires/regrets into account.

Can't wait to see Daisy literally vomit when she realizes she's dating Ward in this world

I'm super impressed with how well she did while barely using her powers.

For a crazy moment I thought she was going to confess to Simmons. Then I figured she was going to go the "I was sure of my bond with you all" route

That moment when SHIELD does Westworld better than Westworld

It's funny because recently I had been thinking how a lot her screentime lately had been devoted solely to reassuring Fitz, so this episode came just in time. You'd think I'd have learned not to doubt this show anymore by now

I doubt that May blew up the entire base, because considering her role was simply to stop Simmons and Daisy, it would seem like overkill to destroy all the other LMDs as well