
What makes you so sure?

I keep mentioning this but they definitely hinted at history between the two back in season one. I can understand the complaints though, since it really hadn't been brought up since (until now).

Yea I was thinking that too

Yea I found him interesting too. Sure, he wasn't a huge physical threat but look at all the trouble he helped cause for them. He was almost Zemo-esque in a way in that he only got as far as he did because of other factors. Of course Zemo's plan just happened to take the optimal path, whereas there were many ways he

I dunno, I haven't really changed much since

The ABC president has been on record as being pretty positive about the show, but we don't usually find out until pretty late


Agent Elevated Extra

Damn, so another break?

I'm guessing LMD Coulson was able to use his clearance to override it before any of that happened. With his memories he would have known of any little exploits like that

Hahaha was thinking the same thing

Nah they were very specific when they introduced it last episode or the episode before that. It scans the hallway to prevent entry of LMDs

Oh yea those sonic disruptors from The Incredible Hulk film might work. I'm sure they've been miniaturized by now. In fact I seem to remember Tony using something similar in Civil War

TI guess it would just mean that the LMD is in for a shock when it tries to use its powers. Or they would be programmed to avoid trying to use them

There's some debate about it but I'm pretty sure Daisy is also an LMD. The "4 LMDs" line is out of context anyway. But the preview shows her weilding a machine gun, which she probably wouldn't need if she was herself

It's a nice bit of continuity to me, since early in season 1 there were some hints that they had a bit of history

"[Mack] attacking Leo for doing exactly what he’s done all along […] felt misplaced and out of character. And the idea that Fitz would allow such a hackneyed and misguided attack on his character to get under his skin was even stranger."

Ah, true dat *Real World: Hollywood flashbacks*

I found it endlessly amusing when like three characters in a row walked up to Hermione and called her by her full name with almost the exact same delivery.

Woah, let's not get crazy