
Barb was annoyingly judgmental too though. I'd say they were a good match

I'm ashamed to say that I just got that. Let's just pretend I'm from a few years into the future okay?

Lol at no point watching Glee did I think Kurt wasn't an asshole

The overly sexual full of himself black guy is a stereotype though.

Wait, Heather?

I interpreted it as she just thought he was cute and he seemed ambitious enough to be someone she could respect.

I get where you're coming from but I didn't get the sense the show was condoning Betty's actions at the end there.

Wow. I honestly thought I was the only one bothered by this. Glad to see I was wrong.

How can he be sympathetic? He's not even clumsy anymore!

Haha I gotta say I love how crappy Jughead's voiceovers (and presumably his novel itself) are(/is).

Having just watched episode 3 and the preview for episode 4…yea, I can't wait for Sabrina to show up haha

Oh shit!

Well she said she was real, she didn't say she was Syd

Since one of David's personas has pyrokinesis in the comics and that power was put on display tonight, but seemingly not controlled by him I'm just going to assume that everyone we've met with powers so far is a part of his "Legion"

Lol I'm confused as to why you listed The Real World in there. Is that a predominantly black show now?


Lyrically Lupe has reached far greater peaks than Kanye

Haha yea I do. Don't worry I was kidding

Lol sure

Jeffrey Mace?