
No, but it's a bit early to judge if they've screwed it up


Fuck outta here. I don't know how you watch that second Power Rangers trailer and think it looks grim and gloomy.

Haha true. Just get 20-somethings to play em

Most perfect casting I've seen in a while. Shame it isn't live action

Marvel Heroes is a pretty good X-Men game. And it features Magik as a playable character so that's a bonus

Not saying it'll happen but you do realize there are cities other than Metropolis and National right? (Although you wouldn't know it by watching this show)

That's good, sorry it didn't work out how you wanted but glad you can still be friends. It'll get easier

Haha nah, "giving it a shot" just means starting to watch the pilot, if it doesn't hold my interest it gets dropped. Plus I don't actually do this that often

Haha, trust me, it's a struggle

Other than Jubilee there are a couple of younger asian X-Men characters who aren't martial arts experts (save the standard X-Men combat training).

And the upcoming America! (I'm super excited for that book and will mention it every chance I get)

Clicked on this solely because of the header image. After looking her up on IMDB: Yup, I will be giving this a shot

Exactly, by the time you hit college it's mostly "Yo, you tryna smash or?"

Yea James really needs to stop being a whiny little bitch about Mon El.

Didn't Will Smith do the same thing in MIB?

I'm just glad its sophmore slump hasn't been as bad as The Flash's. Then again the Flash had a stronger first season so there was further to fall

"I wanted to punch Kara for not kissing him."

Come on, that's not fair, it's not like they were trained poli- …uh, nevermind

Considering the show will be airing on the CW, it seems somewhat likely