
It was hilarious to me that trained police officers needed some guy in a mask to show up and tell them how to evacuate the scene.

"James "try and stop me" bruh you kidding me she can snap you in half."

You're right. You are a bad person

By which you mean the hottest romance in sci-fi history??

Or maybe he goes off to some other city after realizing Supergirl (and Mon-El) pretty much has it covered in National (although the show already demonstrated that she doesn't since apparently him and Winn can find multiple crimes a night to thwart)

I still call bullshit. They probably think Livewire can generate a current strong enough to kill Kara but if it actually happened she would probably be resuscitated a moments later and everyone would be all "How did you survive that?"

Well I think part of why him being a DEO Agent wouldn't work is that they don't really fight regular crime, which seems to be the majority of his M.O. It doesn't seem like he wants to be stuck chasing down aliens/

I've kinda almost been there before. Sometimes you just realize you really didn't like someone as much as you thought you did when they weren't available

Ugh. I understand budgets and I even understand that the performance probably worked better without copious amounts of CG but still, I was annoyed

I was so annoyed with Kara during that speech, and also annoyed with everyone with how they were acting so submissive to her (except Alex). She's not y'all's damn mom!

Kara was swinging dicks left and right this episode.

I was always under the impression that a quip is something a character says when they themselves are trying to be funny, not something they say that others happen to find funny at their expense

Ahh, I didn't know that. I can kind of see how that influenced his portrayal then. I'm pretty sure that's on some level what they were going for

Well this was the first time I didn't actively hate the Guardian storyline. Although you're right that his motivations are very problematic. It would almost be better if he just admitted he's in it for the thrill and the ego boost.

She meant bla- …I mean, humans she cares about…

Meh, I found Hammer's character boring as sin

I agree that tone is not even close to being the DCEUs problem and that characters are part of it. But I disagree with the notion that a flat character arc is an invalid one. After all, look at the Cap films (post First Avenger)

Yup, that Cap sure is a quipping machine

I really liked both aspects. Seeing a group of mutant kids come into their own, find a family and team up to put their powers to ass-kickingly creative use has been such a huge part of the X-Men comics for a long time but hadn't really been touched on in the movies up to that point (since most of the X-Men were

Ah, the White Man's Burden…