
"Why can't he describe Iris as brave and wonderful, also? Aaauuugh, Flash writers, you vex me so."

Yup, when Gideon said Barry "created her" she meant he was the one who activated that particular copy.

Even without the benefit of a future prophecy, at no point should one be unprepared for a gorilla attack

Lol nah. But I'd love to see her on the show


His Little Sister Can't Be This Cute

The storyline as a whole wasn't great, but that was a great scene. Loved her delivery of "What did you think I meant?"

Well Wally does have more of a football player look than scrawny-ass Barry

Barry: "See guys, I did it, I fixed things so Savitar doesn't kill Iris." *Rocks and cradles himself as his eyes glaze over*

I joke about this all the time but seriously. You're playing with such awesome concepts like super-speed, time travel and parallel Earths, how do you not hinge the entire conflict on something slightly more creative than "go faster"??

The Speed Force is a flat circle

"unless the writers are being inconsistent with their previous statements about speedsters' limits again."

Lmao the "I swear on my parents lives" thing was hilarious

Still dumb

Seems like standard procedure is to take them back to E=19 for execution. Her killing him herself without trial or whatever is probably frowned upon, but her track record is so spotless that I'd think they'd give her the benefit of the doubt. And she could always frame it as him resisting and her defending herself.

Well presumably Earth-1 has no interdimensional extradition treaty with Earth-19 so….

I was 100% on board with Cisco there, because: damn

Remember the tachyon device? Me either

Which, now that I read it knowing how the sentence ends, kind of makes it sound like he went back in time and fucked himself

Yup. Still the thing that bugs me the most about this fixing the timeline business. Actually fixing the timeline basically means undoing the entire show(s)