
As much improved as this show has been this season, they really need to have the characters stop acting like there is some pure pristine ideal version of the timeline that they're trying to maintain. The timeline is fucked and has always been fucked from the moment the first time traveler traveled, just embrace it and

LMAO!!! So savage. But so true.

Piggyback on Thawne of course

Ahh gotcha

I miss Evelyn :(

I've been going under the assumption that she's simply suppressing her grief. But if I'm being honest I can't say I mind them deciding not to have her moping around

Hmm, I can dig it.

I've been meaning to rewatch the second season. Damn if old school Sara isn't some substantial incentive

As Rene brutally mows down more henchmen

"Wild Dog also just gave us two scenes that are technically the most faithful Jughead we've yet seen on the CW, but unfortunately, he's not on Riverdale."

If it's any consolation, this week probably increased his self confidence

Yooo I forgot to mention how badass it was that Ollie just tanked the villain's attack long enough to get an arrow off, and even when it did affect him all it did was force him to one knee. Love when the show actually shows instead of telling just how much of beast Ollie is

What are the continuity issues? I was trying to go over the timeline in my head while watching the episode to see if her being around in the flashbacks blatantly contradicts anything but nothing came to mind

I think he's too busy being relieved he wasn't killed off episodes ago. Hanging out with cute blonde hackers tends not to work out for him.

The look Rene gave when he admitted he might have been a bit of a psycho before was pretty endearing

I'd say Curtis is the only non-keeper. And that includes Evelyn. I'd be bummed to see any of the others leave

That's a pretty cool theory yea

Yup. Even when the secret would ordinarily be justified I'm just like "They're gonna find out anyway so just tell them"

I'm willing to be they do know that. Seems to me it's all a setup

It was pretty awesome. If I had one complaint it would be that it felt like the actual gunshots didn't have any weight. But that's something the show frequently struggles with. It never looks like anyone is actually shooting guns as opposed to just waving props around, even with all the muzzle flash and gunshot sound